Underground Microphone is BACK live and IN PERSON! One Tuesday a month
(typically the first one of the month, but there may be an exception or
two!), we’ll be putting the spotlight on one performer or group for a one
hour show!
Doors open at 6:30 PM and entertainment starts at 7:00 PM!
No Cover – Cash Bar for 21+ – Valid ID required
Exceptional Entertainment — Classic Atmosphere
Underground Microphone prides itself as a listening room experience, and we
think this new format takes that to the next level. Located in the Lower
Level, the Raymond Hood Room is transformed into a listening room café
where artists and their work are respected and supported. This very special
space is named after the architect who designed the Scranton Cultural
Center in the 1920s. Hood is widely known for his Art Deco and Neo Gothic
design style which is evident throughout the entire building. Nationally
recognized works include 30 Rockefeller Plaza, American Radiator Building,
Daily News, The Emporis, Tribune Tower and The Ocean Forest Hotel in Myrtle
Beach among others.